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7 Simple Tips To Help You Grow As A Person and Become a Better You

Being a better person can help you eliminate regret, build stronger relationships, boost well-being, and feel more fulfilled about your life. It’s commendable that you’re even here striving for personal growth, but growing as a person isn’t always easy. 

That’s why the mental health experts, coaches, and therapists at MindBar put together this blog on how to grow as a person. Keep ready to improve your life and learn to love yourself with 7 tips on how to be better. But first, let’s look at what it means to become a better you.

What Does it Mean to Grow as a Person?

Before you can learn how to be your best self, it’s a good idea to know what exactly it means to grow as an individual. To put it simply, growing as a person means having a better relationship with yourself and others by maturing, expanding your worldview, adapting to change, learning new things, and pursuing self-improvement in your daily life. 

You can grow physically, of course, but if you’re an adult then you probably won’t be doing too much of that (regardless of how short you may be!). That’s why figuring out how to grow as a person every day usually involves growing socially, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually to become the person you want to be. 

You can also learn how to grow as a couple in your romantic relationships, but this is only possible if both you and your partner are willing to grow as individuals and together. Either way, growing in relationships or on your own looks different for everyone, so sometimes it is easier to learn with examples. 

Here are some examples of growing as a person that might give you a clear idea of what to work on and improve about yourself:

  • Discovering how to love yourself, even when you make mistakes 
  • Learning how to communicate effectively 
  • Improving work/life balance 
  • Building emotional Intelligence and resilience 
  • Working on accepting things you can’t change
  • Using failure to change and improve 
  • Overcoming procrastination or laziness (found the one I should work on!)
  • Developing empathy and expanding your perspective 
  • Living a healthier lifestyle with nutrition, exercise, and restful sleep
  • Managing daily stress and anxiety 
  • Becoming a more spiritual person 

7 Tips to Love Yourself and Learn How to Grow as a Person

If you’re wondering, “How can I grow as a person?” you’re not alone. Many people want to grow, but have no idea how to get started. So, how do you grow as a person? By starting with these X tips of course! 

  1. Identify Goals

A good first step toward how to love yourself more and grow as a person is to identify the reasons you want to grow. Do you want to improve your own well-being, stop being regretful of the way you treat others, or feel more satisfied with life? 

Whatever your reasoning, keep it in mind at all times. In fact, it can even be good to make a vision board that keeps your goals in front of your and demonstrates exactly why you want to become a better you. 

  1. Manage Emotions

A big part of maturity and how to grow up as a person starts with being able to manage your powerful emotions, stress, and anger. If you’re stressed or angry all the time, then meditation might be a great way to calm your emotions, be mindful of how they impact your well-being, and start learning how to heal yourself emotionally. 

You can also identify the triggers for your most powerful emotions and learn to either avoid them or adapt to them. Then, try to accept that being upset is just a part of life. You can’t always avoid anger or stress…trust me, I’ve tried for years. 

  1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a big part of loving myself and research shows that practicing gratitude can make you happier, boost self-esteem, and inspire growing in a relationship. Basically, if you’re grateful for what you have, you won’t be worrying about the things you don’t. Try writing down something you are grateful for each morning and see how much it improves your well-being. 

  1. Live Healthier

Living healthier is one of the best ways you can grow as a person because it not only involved physical growth, but sleeping right, getting enough exercise, and eating healthy foods can boost mental well-being. Even if you HATE working out or cringe at the sight of spinach, there are options and the trick is finding a balance that works for you.

You can use a self-care wheel or books on how to be a better person to discover the best self-therapy for you, your goals, and your schedule. It often starts with changing bad habits like excessive sugar consumption or staying up too late. 

  1. Involve Social Support

Just because you’re working on how to grow yourself as a person doesn’t mean you can’t involve others. Tell your friends, figure out ways to grow with your partner, or join clubs, groups, classes, and events. You can even find communities online that promote things like a self-growth challenge or try listening to the best self-help podcasts. 

By involving others, you can get support when you need it, figure out how to keep growing as a person despite challenges, and be held accountable for progress toward your goals. They might even help you with new self-improvement ideas or books for self-growth that you didn’t know before! 

  1. Learn Something New

Learning new things can expand your horizons, unlock your potential, and boost empathy for other people and cultures. Try learning a new language, trying a new hobby, reading a new book, or listening to music genres that you haven’t tried in the past. 

Trying new things can also help you build lifelong skills that can help you discover how to grow yourself as a person including better memory, mood, motivation, adaptability, mental agility, and more. 

  1. Give it Time (and Give Yourself Time Too)

It takes time to figure out how to be a good person, so aim for small steps and give yourself time to grow and thrive. Try starting with the small things like giving a few minutes of your time to help others, working out once per week, incorporating healthy foods into your diet, using daily self-care reminders, practicing meditation, or simply giving yourself more time each day to do things you enjoy. 

Over time, these healthy choices will become habits and elevate your well-being and accelerate your growth. The biggest challenge for how to start loving yourself and growing is getting started, so this is your sign: get started today to become a better you tomorrow! 

How Can You Grow as a Person? Let MindBar Help!

Now that you know how to grow as a person in a relationship or on your own, you will become a better you in no time. However, if you need a little help, MindBar offers fantastic classes taught by coaches and therapists that can help you on your journey. We also have new groups that can support you during your self-growth journey. Click here to learn more!